About Us

The Inflation Reduction Act and its programs such as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) present once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to tackle the climate crisis while building a stronger economy for all Americans. With funding from the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF), we will not just make green loans – we will make existing lending green and transform traditional mortgages, public finance, and project finance markets. We will not just deploy more clean energy, green buildings, and bring electric vehicles in underserved places – we will invest in local lenders and small businesses and fund the opportunity to support enduring, thriving, and equitable clean energy markets and communities across the US for decades to come.

We understand the urgency of the climate crisis, but also know the perils of an unequal transition. We have one shot to get this right and are ready to meet the moment.

Our national strategy is focused on demonstrating the benefits of the clean energy transition through investments in the program’s three priority areas, Distributed Power Generation and Storage, Building Decarbonization, Electric Transportation, across six key market segments:

Why Climate United?

Experience and Capacity

Each of our coalition organizations know how to move resources where they need to go. We have a record of prioritizing collaboration, equity, and access in every program and product we design and implement.

Deep and Diverse Partnerships

We have more than 350 implementation, deployment, and community partners - many of whom we have worked closely with in the past on green community solutions - to bolster our ability to drive lasting structural changes in Justice40 communities across the U.S. and make inclusion and access central to our work. Partners include local and state-based green banks, credit unions, Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), environmental justice organizations, labor and workforce organizations, and private capital providers, among others. These partners will each play a critical role in ensuring that the program meets its three ambitious objectives: reduced greenhouse gas emissions, direct benefits for American families, and market transformation.

Focus on Market Transformation and Demonstrated Change

Imagine if every time a bank made a mortgage, they required the buyer to decarbonize the building or provided more attractive rates if they did? Imagine if every school financed by a local or state government included an assessment for on-site solar? We have worked in these markets for decades and know what it takes to move them. Our investment strategy focuses on how to make the green choice make sense in everyday lending and borrowing. Together, we have:

  • Raised and deployed more than $30 billion across partners in a variety of sectors in all 50 states;

  • Deployed more than $5.2 billion in loans and investments across 42,000 discreet transactions since January 2020; and

  • Deployed more than 60 percent of historic lending and investment for the benefit of people living in Justice40 communities.

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