January in the South
January 23, 2024 | 9:00 AM EST
Durham, NC
In January, our team traveled to Durham, NC and spent two days learning from committed individuals bringing the benefits of clean energy to their families, students, and communities.
On Monday, we traveled around Durham and learned from leaders driving change in their communities. We visited Kempower, a company developing state-of-the-art EV charging technology lead by a team of electric vehicle enthusiasts with a deep understanding of the changing market. We met with the pastors and staff at the Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church to hear how their rooftop solar installation project was tackled from start to finish, and how they view this clean energy effort as a way of putting their worship into practice. Lastly we met Samantha Amaral at Maureen Joy Charter School who worked for two years to get new electric school buses for her students. She created a healthier environment, allowed for fuel savings, and encouraged her students to see themselves as pioneers in the clean energy transition.
On Tuesday, we spent the day with partners across the Southeast who are working to prepare their organizations for the investment from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. We discussed how to center people and community in our program and product design, leverage existing community infrastructure and trusted relationships, and ensure that those who have not benefited from the clean energy transition to date are first to see the benefits of these investments.
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