News and Press

Greenbiz | How to access $6.97 billion from the EPA’s green bank

The Climate United Coalition has billions of dollars to give out to advance decarbonization. Here’s how to qualify.

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Bloomberg Law | Climate Lenders With $20 Billion in Grants Weigh Risk and Reward

The recipients of $20 billion in White House awards to fight climate change say they’re prepared to bulk up the nation’s clean financing capacity without taking on undue risk.

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New York Times | Environmental Protection Agency Gives $20 Billion in ‘Green Bank’ Grants

The E.P.A. said the fund will spur a clean energy transition in overlooked communities.

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Washington Post | U.S. approves $20 billion to help poor communities go green

In an ambitious effort to fight climate change, the EPA is assisting local groups in financing clean-energy projects.

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E&E News | US starts ‘green bank’ to finance community climate projects

Eight nonprofits will distribute $20 billion in federal cash for solar installations, electric delivery vans and multifamily housing weatherization.

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