Strategic Communications, Media, and Public Relations Q&A

Q: How will Calvert Impact, CPC, and Self-Help work with the selected communications partner? Will one person or organization manage the relationship, or will all three groups be represented on the communications team?

A: The Climate United team within Calvert Impact will be the primary point of contact for our communications partner and will manage the relationship, but it is expected that the internal and external communications resources at Climate United will work closely with the communications teams at CPC and Self-Help to coordinate on strategy, content creation, and dissemination.

Q: Is there an internal communications team supporting CUF? What is its size and scope?

A: Yes, one is currently envisioned but not yet staffed, as most staffing is contingent on the award. The current staffing plan contemplates three FTEs supporting the communications function at Climate United in addition to communications resources at Calvert Impact more broadly, but that could change depending on the outcome of the awards. That does not include additional communications staff at CPC and Self-Help.

Q: Who will serve as the primary spokesperson or spokespeople for the Climate United Fund?

A: The primary spokespeople will be:

  • Beth Bafford, Climate United’s CEO

  • Jenn Pryce, Calvert Impact’s CEO and member of the Climate United Board

  • Catherine Godschalk, Calvert Impact’s Chief Investment Officer

  • Sadie McKeown, President of CPC (and potentially other members of the CPC leadership team)

  • Crystal German, EVP of Self-Help (and potentially other members of the Self-Help leadership team)

  • Other senior members of the Climate United management team (to be hired)

Q: Will the communications effort prioritize elevating each partner’s individual role, or will it focus solely on the Climate United Fund brand? Will part of the communications partner’s role be to use the CUF effort to raise the individual profiles of Calvert Impact, CPC, and Self-Help?

A: The primary focus will be on the Climate United brand. Any efforts to support the profiles and brands of Calvert Impact, CPC, and/or Self-Help will be led by those respective teams.

Q: With the understanding that the communications partner will help to further identify and prioritize audiences, is there an estimate for what proportion of the communications work will target specific stakeholders (borrowers, owners, policymakers, etc.) vs. the general public? Is it 50/50?

A: This split is still uncertain and will depend on guidance from the EPA and other awardees under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. In the near-term, we are assuming that it is primarily specific stakeholders but could evolve to include a significant focus on the general public depending on other educational efforts underway.

Q: When do you anticipate this engagement beginning once the award is announced? 

A: Once a firm is selected (May 17th), we anticipate the engagement beginning asap.

Q: Is there a time length for this work or should we consider this ongoing when considering the budget? 

A: Please consider this ongoing.

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