Kevin Fanfoni

Director, Investments

Kevin is a Director on the Investments team of Climate United and is the sector lead for the Distributed Generation portfolio. Prior to Climate United, Kevin worked at Calvert Impact for 16 years in numerous roles on the Investments team. Most recently at Calvert Impact, Kevin was the portfolio lead for the US Renewable Energy and Affordable Housing portfolios. He has deep experience in originating a wide variety of debt and equity investments that have delivered meaningful environmental and social impact as well as financial return. Advancing environmental and economic justice using investment capital has been the key focus of Kevin's work and he is excited to continue that mission with Climate United.

Kevin holds a B.S. in Finance and Economics from the University of Virginia and completed the Financing & Deploying Clean Energy program at the Yale School of Management and Yale School of the Environment. Kevin lives in Washington, DC with his partner and their young son.

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